Baby GD's preview

By teamGD
For the past week, minor body-welding work were done on GD's first baby. Sigh, works are progressing slower than anticipated. On the bright side, slow and steady work usually produce well-nurtured and delicately crafted final products. *ahemcomfortingwordsahem* Anyway, here's the pictures showing GL's condition at the moment:

Obviously, we still have a long way to go LOL.

The engine would most probably remain stock for the time being.

Enough said about that...

Last week's movie night, teamGD went for the screening of Redline. I guess most of the car action movie fan would have seen this movie long time ago, thanks to the only cinema in Miri, we managed to caught it although at a very late date -.-" The movie is considered good if you get high watching cool cars racing and crashing, gal's ass and cares nothing bout storyline. Personally I enjoyed it and chuckled at their lame jokes several time. But the teamGD (and obviously everyone) regards Redline aint that great compared to the Fast & Furious movies.

Redline movie trailer

It's Sunday and some audio teams from Miri are planning for a showdown at Esplanade, teamGD had made plan to drop by and check it out. Haha, if only the rain would stop soon. That's all for now, Happy Easter Day!!

Chapter 1: Preface

By teamGD
Announcing the arrival of teamGD, the pioneers of Grip Deficient!

We DONT own super cool modified cars but we have car-lover spirit and makes the best of what we have on hand. Generally, teamGD consist of three members of the chibu family; JunHung, Eru and Cync. However, we do welcome interested fellow enthusiasts and are looking forward to the prospect of building a more populated teamGD.

Currently our main sponsor is Wong Kwan Engineering Workshop and are collaborating on the our first Grip Deficient project, a year 1983 Toyota Corolla KE70. It may be a month or two before any GD babies gonna stalk the roads of Miri City. Anyway, we had designed our logo and would provide periodic updates through this website.

Till then, teamGD remains elusive and pardon the city in peace.